Quality Symbols

CE declaration of performance

ce-siegel-300x300The CE declaration of performance is a safety declaration in accordance with EU law for certain products. In attaching the declaration to the information leaflet of our goods, we confirm that our products adhere to prevailing European regulations for building materials.

Manufacturers of all manner of building products covered by harmonised standards make a declaration of performance since 01.07.2013.

This DoP (Declarance of Performance) replaces the previous compliance statement.

The respective performance declarations according to the product groups covered in EN 15102 have been created for all our products and can be viewed as a download from our website ce.rasch.de Please enter the article number of the relevant product in the empty field.

CE-Declaration of Conformity as PDF-file


rtemagicc_ral-jpgAs a member of RAL, the German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification, which co-operates with the Federal Office for the Environment and the Federal Health Industry, Rasch does not use pigments containing heavy metals in its production of printing inks. In Bramsche, there are strict guidelines for the disposal of waste and production waste. These do not only comply with the principles of sustainability but also provide for the return of secondary raw materials to the recycling system.


rtemagicc_fsc-internet-jpgSince 2009, we have achieved the further milestone of successfully, almost completely (up to 99,9 %) switching to FSC®-certified substrates. This means that the backing papers and non-wovens of all Rasch wallpapers made from wood are manufactured from sustainably managed forests. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is an international, private and non-profit-making organisation that campaigns for environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and economically sustainable use of forests and is supported throughout the world by environmental organisations.


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